Monday, May 14, 2012

Let's RENAME Antarctica with a better name for the 21st Century

Let's RENAME Ant-----arctica with a better name for 21st century and beyond that does not mean just merely *OPPOSITE* THE boring...... but has its own particular nw NAME,...

open to suggestions...

I mean the ARCTC is a GOOD name for the Arctic. But the south pole area should NOT JUST BE CALLED *ANTI*-Arctic.......any ideas for better name?

The first formal use of the name "Antarctica" as a continental name in the 1890s is attributed to the Scottish cartographer John George Bartholomew. The name Antarctica is the romanized version of the Greek compound word ἀνταρκτική (ant-arktiké), feminine of ἀνταρκτικός (ant-arktikos),meaning "opposite to the Arctic", "opposite to the north". OKAy, for those days, 1890s, there were no airplanes or computers or instant messages or even INTERNATIONAL research bases in ANTARCTICA...... but NOW in 2012 it's time to give that area of our world a better name, more APT....

I suggest two names for possible consideration and would like to hear MORE NOMINATIONS from others aroudn the world:

1. Penlandia...[for Penguin Land]

2. Penarctica....for Penguin COLD PLACE, so PEN ARCTIC and the ICA at the end for the sound and feel. so PEN ARCTI CA, since penguins are symbols of South Pole area, and they do NOT live in the Arctic regions.....

I like both names. Which name do u like best? and more important, WHAT OTHER NAMES would you like to suggest for this southerm land mass?

send details and replies here: or leave comments here or at

danbloom ATMARK gmail.DOT com

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