Monday, December 20, 2010

An Open Letter to Joe Romm

Dear Joe, at Climate Progress blog:

Many people are now admitting in public that they agree with James Lovelock's predictions about mass migrations north in the future to live in climate refuges for climate refugees. Danny Bloom, as you know, calls these climate settlements in the far north -- and in New Zealand and Tasmania too -- as "polar cities", where survivors of climate chaos will be housed to serve as Lovelock's famous "breeding pairs" of humans in the future. It's no longer science fiction or mere eccentricity on the part of Lovelock or Bloom, but many people are now embracing these ideas, as seen in comments above. Bloom, 61, calls himself "James Lovelock's Accidental Student" since he got his idea for polar cities directly from Lovelock and Lovelock has seen his images and said yes yes, it may happen and soon.

So that the fact that so many comments above acutally say what Lovelock and Bloom have been saying in the past indicates that the awful A-word -- ADAPTATION -- is now taking over from mititgation. It would be nice Joe for you someday to do a gentle blog post about Bloom and his polar cities meme. Even you seem to ignore him, and that does not make sense. Do you only blog about fellow celebrities and VIPS and PHDs like you, and everyone else without a book or a degree is beneath you? That is not nice.gree with James Lovelock's predictions about mass migrations north in the future to live in climate refuges for climate refugees. Danny Bloom, as you know, calls these climate settlements in the far north -- and in New Zealand and Tasmania too -- as "polar cities", where survivors of climate chaos will be housed to serve as Lovelock's famous "breeding pairs" of humans in the future. It's no longer science fiction or mere eccentricity on the part of Lovelock or Bloom, but many people are now embracing these ideas, as seen in comments above. Bloom, 61, calls himself "James Lovelock's Accidental Student" since he got his idea for polar cities directly from Lovelock and Lovelock has seen his images and said yes yes, it may happen and soon.

So that the fact that so many comments above acutally say what Lovelock and Bloom have been saying in the past indicates that the awful A-word -- ADAPTATION -- is now taking over from mititgation. It would be nice Joe for you someday to do a gentle blog post about Bloom and his polar cities meme.

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